Celebrating MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL @ Sun Yat Sen Park, 9th Sept 6:30pm-8:30pm
This year, after what seems ages, LocalHood invite you to join with your family/friends to celebrate the festival the local way, together with expats and locals from your Hood and beyond.
When & Where: Sun Yat Sen Park @ 6:30pm -8.30pm
- FREE 🎉❤✌!!
- Registration deadline : 8th Sept 12pm - IMPORTANT: Strict social distancing rules in vigor will apply.
- You will be notified by whatsApp, of our exact meeting and placed in groups based on the number of participants !!! - Pls get something to SNACKS/DRINKS to share.
- Suggest you wear festive clothing and please get a LANTERN with you!!
- Simply come to enjoy together this lovely festival spirit of sharing and love!!
