Kids B🧒🏼👦🏽k Club & Crafts gr🧒🏼up
With home schooling & Social distancing measures, our younger friends are bored stiff 😒😒and craving for some fun🎉🥳!!
Team #Localhoodofficial connecting HK neighbourhoods initiative, is happy to invite your kiddies to our FREE ON-LINE Book Club & Craft group 🤩🤩.
In this session, LocalHood volunteer @WinnieTse will read a story to the kids and teach them how to make paper flowers.#Beatthevirus #Downwithcorona
Recommended age for this session: 4-7yrs!! Date: Sat, 20th June; 10am onwards via ZOOM( appx1 hr)
In the Kids Club: Winnie will read a book Look Inside Science (Usborne) & In Craft, we will make a Toy Parachute Yippiee....:-)
THINGS YOU WILL NEED FOR CRAFT: Dinner sized napkin, clear tape, a hole puncher (to make a hole), thread/yarn, scissors and a toy/lego person to be the paratrooper .
Zoom details will be send to the participants closer to the event date